KTMI, Incorporated is the private investigation firm more people in Clay, Kentucky, look to for answers. Our private detectives are licensed, insured, discreet, full-time professionals. Providing answers to your questions is what we do all day, every day.
Do You Need a Private Investigator in Clay, Kentucky?
When residents of Clay, Kentucky, call our private investigators, they are usually looking for answers to questions like:
- Is my spouse being unfaithful?
- Is my child being neglected when she’s with my ex?
- Where does my teen really go on a Friday night?
The professional private investigators of KTMI have helped numerous clients find answers to questions like these and more.
Do you suspect that your spouse is cheating? Did you know that just the suspicions you have can introduce problems into a marriage? It is much better to get answers to your questions than to go on wondering. Our private investigators are the best infidelity surveillance detectives in Kentucky. For Clay, Kentucky, residents, we offer traditional video surveillance as well as GPS tracking tools to help you find out where your spouse goes when he or she is not with you. We also offer a variety of special hidden cameras that can be installed in your home so that you can see what happens when you are away.
Clients in Clay, Kentucky, also call us for assistance with child custody investigations. We routinely work with attorneys to gather information for child custody hearings. But we also work with parents and grandparents who just want to know how their children are being treated when they are in the custody of an ex-spouse. We can give you answers to your questions with video surveillance. Our services are 100% legal and admissible in court. We can even testify at your child custody hearing. The privacy of you and your child is of utmost concern to us. We are licensed, insured, full-time professionals. Clay, Kentucky, residents can count on our private investigators to be discreet, and your case will be handled in complete confidence.
Parents in Clay, Kentucky, also call us when they are considering GPS tracking devices for teens’ cars. As long as your name is on the title of the vehicle, we can lease a device to you that will reveal the car’s wherabouts at a specific time–helping you know if you can trust your teen to tell you the truth. If you suspect you’re being misled, we can give you answers.
In the Clay, Kentucky, and Webster County markets, the private investigators of KTMI, Inc. also offer professional process serving, witness locates, work comp and FMLA fraud investigations, and professional interviews. Also, if you need to find someone, we specialize in locating missing people.
Contact us today to talk with an experienced, professional Kentucky private investigator. Your consultation is free. Use our secure contact form or call 270-559-3868.
we are experienced professionals
Private Investigative Services