What is worker’s compensation fraud? Worker’s compensation fraud occurs when someone willingly and knowingly provides false information in order to receive worker’s compensation benefits.
Employees commit worker’s compensation fraud when they do any of the following:
- Exaggerate medical symptoms
- Claim a job-related injury that never occurred
- Claim a non-job related injury occurred on the job
- Work at one job while drawing worker’s compensation benefits from another job
Do you suspect a fraudulent claim has been filed by one of your employees? KTMI’s private investigators can help confirm your suspicions or put your mind at ease. Digital surveillance video is the strongest tool we can put in your toolbox. Over the past twenty years, KTMI’s investigators have saved employers millions of dollars in fraudulent claims.
Our investigators will provide you with a digital copy of all video taken of your claimant, as well as a written report detailing the date and time of all activity. Our video is a window into the life of your claimant. We routinely work for private corporations as well as national insurance companies. Call today to discuss your case. 270-559-3868.
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Private Investigative Services